The candidates for United Conservative Party leadership in Alberta may be running to the right of Jason Kenney, while MP Michelle Rempel Garner is apparently preparing a bid. Danielle Smith’s campaign launch video also caught the attention of former radio colleague Charles Adler, who apparently believes Xi Jinping would be a better premier of Alberta.
Seeing the elephant within C-11
The online streaming bill has been sent to the Senate after being passed in the House of Commons, with Conservatives stating it’ll do more harm than good. And despite the heritage minister saying Bill C-11 won’t regulate user content, the CRTC chair says tweaking the algorithms is the way to achieve goals that successful creators oppose.
“Millions of Canadians believe U.S. election was stolen from Trump.” Abacus Data kicked off the silly season with the findings of a 1,500-person survey focused on conspiracy theories, which included six per cent of respondents agreeing that birds aren’t real. But many more polled Canadians have come to distrust the government and news media.
The distastes of the Danforth
While street festivals are bouncing back to life in Toronto, the one along the Danforth will have another cancelled year. The news involved greater complications due to the CaféTO patio program, bike lanes and other pandemic-era infrastructure issues. But the decision came down to it requiring nine days of road work:
Kevin Hart explains why the characters in his movie with Woody Harrelson can’t pronounce its own title. The Man from Toronto involves many characters who aren’t actually from Toronto, Hart explained about what sounds destined to be a forgotten Netflix menu item. (On the other hand, current visitor Adam Sandler can probably speak it correctly.)
Finally, the 13th part of Friday
Kiwi Jr. have the Sub Pop Records brand attached to indie-rock that’s been most easily compared to Pavement, which got the Toronto band widely noticed at the peak of the pandemic. An upcoming album called Chopper is foreshadowed with a music video inspired by Michael Mann’s movie Heat, but also the Friday the 13th hockey mask of Jason Voorhees: