Packaging a free digital album with merchandise, including Styrofoam cups, helped Nav top the Billboard album chart—which counts those downloads as sales rather than streams. Navraj Singh Goraya retired from rapping in January, but made this hasty comeback with help from his label boss, the Weeknd. Both are fond of explicit lyrics.
The informer of flossing regularly
“Con Calma,” a single for which Daddy Yankee recruited Snow, is a global success—which has left the veteran Toronto rapper feeling philosophical about riding the legacy of his incarceration party anthem, “Informer.” (It’s also a hit in a Calgary retirement home.)
Burl’s Creek still expects to host the Rolling Stones. A tour postponement due to Mick Jagger’s heart valve replacement surgery hasn’t discouraged promoter Republic Live from believing its show will go on at a later date. (The El Mocambo is also desperately waiting for the Stones to start back up.)
Canadian singer wades into 2020 U.S. presidential race
Rufus Wainwright shared appreciation for the “warm physical behaviour” of probable Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, in the face of tales of him being too touchy:

“Open for Business” licence plates are sounding like the real deal. Doug Ford remains cagey about whether Ontario’s new welcome sign slogan will extend to bumpers, but Queen’s Park confirmed that the hunt is on for a phrase to replace the 37-year-old “Yours to Discover.” (It won’t be “For the People.”)
Mammo is ready to save Wasaga
Since he’s no longer on Toronto city council to argue against ideas like the King Street Pilot turning permanent, Giorgio Mammoliti is promoting himself to help a different town:

National Post needs a new editor-in-chief. Just as Mark Towhey is moving into the top tabloid editorial position at Postmedia, its flagship broadsheet is losing Anne Marie Owens to McMaster University. Meanwhile, her Post predecessor, Stephen Meurice, is leaving his current position at the Canadian Press.
Finally, the Blue Jays’ only good meme
“Home Plate Lady” is now a reliable viral star for the team. Her name remains a secret, but the mysterious season ticket holder appears totally aware of her internet celebrity status: