Conservative candidate Sarah Fischer poured a box of water on her head. It was a response to how Justin Trudeau answered a question about how his family reduced their use of plastics.
No Name tweets are barely even there
After periods of being loud about No Frills, Loblaw got love for quietly launching its most generic brand on social media—a basic commodification of the cult of No Name.
Weed edibles will be legal in six months. Further federal regulations for cannabis detail how smoke-free products can be sold. Meanwhile, tourists desperately hunting for a pot shop in Niagara Falls can finally find what they’re looking for: a store called Choom.
“Stephanie is no longer with the company”
Old Navy fired an employee from Mississauga Square One, following attention to a video of the retail clerk accusing a woman of stealing the still-tagged shirt that she was wearing:

Black Christmas will be back in December. The pioneering psychological slasher film, produced in Toronto in 1974, is getting its second remake of this century. Harvey Weinstein was partly blamed for botching a bigger-budget Black Christmas in 2006.
Finally, the other national anthem
Kelly Jay, best known for his Hamilton band Crowbar’s 1971 hit, “Oh What a Feeling,” suffered a stroke from which he’s not expected to recover. The act was a favourite of Margaret Trudeau, and they performed at Pierre’s campaign rallies. Jay later worked as a DJ on CHUM-FM, while his anthem lived on in commercials for ParticipAction. (Recent years found him making news in Calgary for his struggle with memorabilia hoarding issues.)