“I’m your minister and you’re a fucking loser,” yelled MPP Lisa MacLeod to Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk, who claims that Ontario’s sports minister pushed through a Rolling Stones crowd to confront him. Meanwhile, another high-ranking bureaucrat was let go because of links to Doug Ford’s former chief of staff, Dean French.
Geng Tan’s baby daddy drama
Laura Huang, a scientist married to Liberal MP Geng Tan, evidently isn’t on board with his plan to “spend time with family” rather than run for office. Tan’s sudden withdrawal from the Don Valley North ballot coincided with claims that he isn’t paying child support to a staffer who was fired after he allegedly got her pregnant. Tan has denied the allegations.
Roxodus removed a reference to refunds. An edit to the festival’s website stirred more suspicion around why rain was blamed for its cancellation. Also called off: “Hair in the Fair,” a cash-strapped Welland, Ontario event that tried luring refugees from Roxodus. (But a Kitchener show of aging metal acts is inviting Roxodus ticket-holders to attend for free.)
The charring of King and Dufferin
Shortly after the closing of Island Foods—a reflection of Toronto gentrification finally coming to this west-end intersection—this sign across the street had an electrical fire:
“What I remember clearly from the surveillance footage is that my foot barely left the floor.” Carl Song was invoiced $875 by CityPlace condo management because an elevator got stuck due to his idle hopping. Much more dramatic elevator surveillance footage is playing a role in a Toronto police attempt to identify an alleged mugger.
Finally, keeping a memory locked
Martin Streek died by suicide on July 6, 2009, after he posted a farewell message to Facebook. He’d been fired from 102.1 the Edge, the radio station where he worked for 25 years. A new Spotify playlist collects the songs that Streek became synonymous with: