Now that he’s a married man (who wed with his Ontario PC colleagues in attendance) MPP Sam Oosterhoff is ready for the big time of Doug Ford funding announcements.
The debates about the debates

Andrew Scheer was first to accept this request, which came after two debates were set up by a new media partnership established after the Conservatives rejected the previous debate consortium. This time, it was a given that Elizabeth May would be invited.
Facebook sends the news media yet another friend request. The Wall Street Journal reports that millions of dollars are on offer to publishers who agree to participate in a new news tab. A flow between social platforms and content is also increasingly evident in Canada, as former Facebook managing director Jordan Banks takes the reins at Rogers Media.
Think-tanking disinfo dystopia
Public Policy Forum released its first research memo, which tries to track the moves of Fake News, with data that seems to allow any outlet to concoct its own conclusions:

Scott Moir is engaged to a former childhood skating partner whose name isn’t Tessa Virtue. The news led to a closer look at the trail of Moir’s fiancée, Jackie Mascarin, including an effort to interpret the posts on her now-deleted Instagram account. As for Virtue, she’s currently looking for a +1 to attend Jackie and Scott’s wedding with.
Finally, some beefs with JBP
Jordan B. Peterson was apparently the focus of a revolt at Penguin Random House, whose American staff successfully argued against publishing his next book under one of its main imprints. Meanwhile, his granddaughter was celebrated with a birthday steak: