Calls for a change to the stay-at-home strategy to fight COVID-19 echo B.C. health officer Bonnie Henry declaring a negligible risk from passing someone in a park who has the coronavirus. The future of these policies started in Atlantic Canada, which dispatched permission to bring two households together at the risk of awkward decisions. Restrictions are being eased even more in Manitoba.
Hellfire from a safe distance
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt lashed out at authorities threatening charges for drive-in services at the Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario, over which a Charter challenge has been launched. Meanwhile, in Burlington, the mayor’s prohibition of parades with more than five cars was rescinded, because the law says it’s fine if they’re only driving.
“I’ll be the first to help them pack their bags and find a country that they want.” Doug Ford had words for anti-lockdown protesters who gathered at Queen’s Park for the second Saturday in a row—some of whom held Canadian flags upside down. This week begins with some Ontario businesses and workplaces allowed to restart.
Chicken is the new cardigan
J. Crew entered Canada with much fanfare in 2011, but the clothing chain faces an uncertain future now that it’s filed for bankruptcy. But another coveted American concept will cross the border this September: the Popeyes chicken sandwich. The offering helped Restaurant Brands International offset some other bad luck:

“An urgent message to the Government of Canada from the publishers of Canada’s major newspapers.” Publishers representing the vast majority of print media outlets want new policies comparable to Australia and France telling Facebook and Google to subsidize content. It comes with despairing lost advertising dollars due to COVID-19.
Finally, a charitable Chair Girl
Marcella Zoia shared Instagram evidence of herself dropping off groceries to the Life for Lives community action centre in Toronto, which is tied to her native Brazil. Her lawyer let the Toronto Sun know that Chair Girl hopes to inspire others to help those who are suffering at this time, while she waits for that oft-delayed final sentencing date: