Her mother was born in India, her father was born in Jamaica, but the presumptive Democratic vice-presidential nominee is also being contextualized as Canadian. Stories about the five years Kamala Harris attended Westmount High in Montreal have been revived. Her Canadian connection previously peaked when she was seeking the top job.
After recently offering cryptic evidence of her comeback, Jessica Mulroney properly returned to Instagram, with a video of husband Ben taking the cake into a backyard birthday bash for their twin sons. But the excitement didn’t end there—she also replied to some comments, which included refuting claims of a famous unfriending.
“It was there that Meghan got a first-hand glimpse of how Harry might be as a father.” The new book Finding Freedom includes the Mulroneys in details of how the Sussexes partly courted in Toronto. The royal subjects are generally suspected to be the sources, just as they buy a house in Santa Barbara.
Justin Trudeau issued a statement supporting Bill Morneau in response to Globe and Mail reporting that the finance minister was on the outs. But the PM is conspicuously skipping a summer sitting of the House of Commons as the We Charity hearings continue. As a result, the Trudeau family holiday finds even more eyes on it:
“Politischer Gegenwind für Düsseldorf-Konzert mit Bryan Adams.” German Rolling Stone reports on how Düsseldorf mayor Thomas Geisel is facing those headwinds for approving a September 4 soccer stadium concert with masks and spaced-out seating. The Canadian headliner can now claim his second controversy of the coronavirus era.
Mikhalia Peterson responded to an accusation that she gave her dad COVID-19 by partying in Serbia and affirmed that he’s still alive after contracting it, having survived a coma and pneumonia. Nonetheless, her beef diet advocacy eclipsed the once-robust digital presence of Jordan Peterson. A recent Instagram post strived to clarify his state:

I had covid-19. This is what I looked like during it (although there we’re definitely rougher looking puffier days).
As if this year couldn’t get any weirder, my family caught coronavirus in Belgrade.
Long story short, we got to Belgrade and the country was COMPLETELY open, no masks necessary. A month later everything shut down again after elections. Politics... We all went back into quarantine because we’re with my dad and he’s high risk. He already had pneumonia this year. 10 days into the strict quarantine - and I mean strict, we didn’t go outside of the property - my toddler got symptoms of a flu - swiftly followed by the rest of us. Turns out a lot of people in Belgrade caught it, she must have caught it at the playground.
Dad’s doctor immediately told us it was covid and I full on didn’t believe him for 2 weeks. It was too mild for me, I thought. During that two week period I had symptoms like nausea, bloating, diarrhea, stuffy nose, puffy face, skin breakouts, muscle weakness, a few days of a slight temperature and a very very slight wheeze for two days. Not the worst virus I’ve had in the last year, although the symptoms lasted longer - off and on for 18 days and there’s still lingering bloating.
My dad caught it too and he didn’t have many symptoms either. When they did a CT scan they said 40 percent of his lungs were affected, however his breathing was fine. They treated him just incase. The meds dad was put on to treat it seemed to be harsher than the actual virus, he’s okay now too.
I used to be an “at risk person”. I was on immune suppressants, I’ve had bronchitis at least 12 times, pneumonia 3x and I’ve been hospitalized for it once. I still stand by my previous complaints about locking down countries.
I’m sorry to anyone who has experienced a worse case of the virus or who has lost anyone to it. That’s miserable. So is suicide from lockdown anxiety and lifelong neuroticism from children growing up in a lockdown though 🙃.
Perhaps if we focused on making people healthier the world wouldn’t be so screwed up by a virus that doesn’t really kill healthy people... yikes, I went there. Video of the experience on YouTube.
August 10, 2020