Concern over “ghost hotel” listings on Airbnb in Toronto was roused again by photos of shots fired through a wall at Ice Condos, which has been an infamous location for short-term rentals. Five people were then arrested and a gun was recovered from a suspect, while Airbnb is struggling to combat a surge of pandemic party houses.
No gap left to mind sometimes
The reply about how Toronto transit riders should wait for another bus if they’re concerned with a lack of distancing was deemed insensitive by higher-ups, and the mayor didn’t like Queen’s Park echoing it. But the system also won’t promise a lack of crowding on occasion, having warned for months about the rebounding of crowds.
Cycling studio super-spreading event started with someone asymptomatic. The outbreak resulted in 69 total infections at a Spinco franchise in Hamilton, even though it followed safety procedures. Ontario is currently reviewing the guidelines for gyms, some of which are currently facing lineups of members from restricted nearby regions.
The two New Blue Karahalioses
Jim Karahalios was tossed out twice from the federal Conservative leadership race—initially because he accused Erin O’Toole’s campaign manager of promoting Shariah law—while MPP Belinda Karahalios was booted from the Ontario PC caucus after voting against the COVID-19 emergency bill. The couple now hopes to launch their own party:

Toronto radio station G98.7 found a willing owner. Neeti P. Ray, who helms Radio India programming across Ontario, hopes to secure the unique FM licence offered for sale after the death of founder Fitzroy Gordon. Whiteoaks Communications, a Christian broadcaster, was also interested. (Wishes for a Black-owned bidder failed to manifest.)
Finally, area man staying home
The Man from Toronto started shooting on schedule with a growing cast, even though top-billed Kevin Hart kept specifics of his local quarantined location off Instagram. But it turns out this action comedy—which earlier swapped Jason Statham for Woody Harrelson—is just another flick in which the Toronto streets are standing in for New York: