Ontario’s finance minister promising wider beer and wine sales brought on sources telling the Toronto Star that Queen’s Park would have to pay $100 million in penalties for breaking its deal with the Beer Store. Vic Fedeli says it’s premature to claim that price tag would apply.
The Hunny Pot’s actual Hunny

The weed store at 202 Queen West—the only legal one in Toronto confirmed to open—is owned by a former real estate agent determined to independently use his licence.
Innisfil is really going to accept taxes by Bitcoin. The town that turned its public transportation over to Uber will now accept digital currencies. (Norm Kelly is no longer around to insist that Toronto do the same.)
“just another quiet morning in midtown Toronto…”
CBC News got the whole story behind a YouTube video showing a woman pushing a stroller near Eglinton and Mount Pleasant who reacted to nearly being struck by a car:
“Until recently Jian Ghomeshi, a former CBC broadcaster and rock musician, was not much known outside Canada. I now rather wish it had stayed that way.” Ian Buruma, the former editor-in-chief of the New York Review of Books, writes about his exit for the Financial Times: “Editing in the age of outrage.”
Finally, it’s like a stickier La Croix
Crystal Pepsi last returned to Canada in 2016, as a sop to mid-90s nostalgists urging for its return. While initially a marketing disaster, Instagram is a hell of a soda pop promoter.