Postmedia columnist Jim Warren thinks Andrew Scheer has got to go, leading up to the claim that Ben Mulroney’s name is “already being floated by former Conservative MPs and staffers.” And that’s enough for the Georgia Straight to take this seriously.
What was all the fake fear for?

The academic consensus is that there was more coverage of online trolls than actual evidence of them during the federal election. But there’s a new layer for CBC to explore: violations of the recently passed law that threatens prison for false political postings.
Doug Ford is raising the spectre of Wexit. The latest fundraising pitch from Ontario’s premier says that he’s “never seen the country so divided.” Wexit Alberta has taken the first step to register as a political party, despite Wexit’s dubious associations.
Back to paper note-passing
Ontario’s ban on general student use of cellphones in classrooms has come into effect—allowing Doug Ford to play the part of “Premier Dad” in this six-second video:
Meghan Murphy brought her show back to Vancouver. And more protests proceeded outside a panel discussion on “How media bias shapes the gender identity debate.” The event relocated after security concerns following Murphy’s library talk in Toronto.
Vice story nears last sentence
Yaroslav Pastukhov tearfully apologized before the judge who’ll rule on the length of the prison term for the former Vice Canada music editor who pled guilty in a cocaine conspiracy case. The sentencing hearing included Pastukhov’s lawyer explaining how a desire to rise in the ranks as a crime reporter led to this entanglement in a drug ring:

The day a dad claimed that no classmates showed up for the 11th birthday of Kade. Jason Foster of Corner Brook, Newfoundland, posted a tweet of his son posing with his Toronto Maple Leafs cake, with the claim that Kade got shade from his friends. Mitch Marner and John Tavares gave their greetings upon request, and so did Justin Trudeau.
Finally, life before Overwatch
Night Glide is the first original episode in a project that revives Global TV’s unusual overnight show, circa 1986. Bill Young’s prior videos matched the original soundtracks to updated Night Moves, Night Ride and Night Walk. So, while a playable Toronto map in Overwatch 2 is a big deal to some, here’s the sort of thing that once served insomniacs: