“That’s how they train our kids, with a filthy mouth.” Doug Ford blamed the NDP for epithets hurled at him by student protesters inside Queen’s Park. (He wants the kids’ mouths washed out with soap.) What the premier previously derided as “crazy Marxist nonsense” from post-secondary student groups was louder outside.
MPP Jim Wilson was welcomed back to the legislature by Ford despite having been kicked out of the Ontario PC caucus—but Wilson claims that there’s been no investigation into a sexual misconduct claim against him.
A defeated Ontario PC candidate, Cameron Montgomery, was appointed to a $140,000-a-year full-time job (which previously paid a part-timer $5,000) chairing the Education Quality and Accountability Office.
TMZ-style trick-or-treating in Ottawa
These are booming times for the paparazzi on Parliament Hill. But it’s unclear what CTV’s Omar Sachedina was expecting when he went knocking on the Butts family door.
Six in ten Canadians expect Facebook to screw with the federal election. And so, the government hopes to do something about it. A file photo that mirrors the pinching hand emoji comes in handy for this:
Backlash for a CAF makeup FAQ
The Canadian Forces bought rotating Facebook ads to answer questions like whether male military members are allowed facial hair. But reaction to a particular one was followed by this apology from Canada’s top soldier.
Netflix knocks against cultural colonialism charges. The announcement of a dedicated production hub in the Port Lands from a company accused of not paying its virtual freight wants to be measured by its weight:
Golden age of Toronto poop journalism
RELATED: Stephen Colbert joking about Poop Johnson joining the Argos got the Canadian Football League trending on YouTube.
Viceland tries to stay alive by going live
The channel, which was cancelled in Canada by Rogers—even though Bell picked up much of its programming—is about to debut a nightly show: Vice Live. See if it gets nearly as much attention as those chapters critical of Vice Media in Jill Abramson’s Merchants of Truth.
Finally, a tale of gas station contagion
Matt English made a Twitter video about the parallels between petrol prices and radio dial positions. The reactions included people wondering why he walks by so many gas stations around the province. (In fact, it’s all the same one at Bloor and Keele.) But a lot of questions get asked when the stats show that over a million people watched your tweet: